

When I put a showreel together, it will be here. Until then, below are various things I've worked on:

VFX / 3D / Compositing

Breakdown of the intro to the new i98 TVC. Multi-pass renders from 3dsmax were composited in After Effects. The entire shot was turned around quickly, with the bulk of the work done in 2 days, and tweaking to give the shot more depth and more vibrant colour contrast...
Watch the entire TVC

A VFX composite breakdown of the major effects shot of the Award-Winning short film "Cupid". Made with 3D Studio Max and After Effects.

The Relativity 2010 TVC.

A promo video for Relativity's new product, this set is entirely digital, save for our host, who was shot on a blue screen. A big shout out to maltaannon, whose CE Lightwrap preset helped to really sell the shot.

Shot with a Canon 5D in a recent storm, I took the footage into Mocha (tracking software that now ships with After Effects CS4) and pasted my workplace's logo onto the table.

Turned out to be quite easy once I acquainted myself with Mocha, so I expect to be using it a lot more often :)

breakdown of a realistic earth shot, created with 3dsmax and After Effects

Motion Graphics

The promo for the most recent Innovation Campus video, as introduced by Adam Gilchrist. Check out the full 5min video here

An example of the 2009 Illawarra Business Awards category intros. Made in After Effects.

A quick promo slate for the St George Illawarra Dragons. The promo was for a presentation to a sporting conference in the USA, with the full promo used to promote the roughness of Rugby League - hence the tagline "We do it without pads".

Quick turnaround project, made with After Effects and utilising Video Copilot's "Twitch" plugin and "Riot Gear" stock elements.

A fun little animation made for the start of the Illawarra Business Awards, 2009.

Used for a presentation in Miami, the idea for this shot was to demonstrate where Australia is in relation to the conference venue in Miami, FL.

Admittedly, this has been done to death, having been inspired by a Video Copilot tutorial, but this wowed the client and his audience, and still looks very cool, even if everyone with AE and a net connection can do it!

My very first After Effects job. The final result, I feel, is very good (pay no heed to the jingle -- it will get stuck in your head, but it's not my doing, I swear!). If I had to do this again, I know of so many useful tips and tricks to churn out the same thing more efficiently and much quicker, but I'm still proud.

Plenty more to come! Keep watching this space...